January 2023- The 2023 Federal Budget

Task 2 of 7: The big picture

Q4- When you think about Australia’s health care system overall, which services have you used have you found most helpful?

Tell us a little about the services that were helpful and why you feel this way about your healthcare experience

Q5- Have you found any services to be of little help to you? What were they and in what way were they unhelpful?

Tell us a little about the services that were not helpful and why you feel this way about your healthcare experience

Q6- Government funding for health services is limited. With this in mind, are there any health-related programs or services that you would like to see given more funding so that more people can access these programs or services? If so, which ones?

Q7- Government funding for health services is limited. With this in mind, are there any health-related programs or services that you would accept receiving less funding so that more funding can go to other services? If so, which ones?
